Wednesday, December 12, 2012

10 days to live, 10 days to L-I-V-E

So with the impending apocalyptic doom a mere 10 days away according to the ancient Mayans, my mind can't help but wander...

What if? What if you had 10 days left on this earth? This is the only life I am certain of, so if the sands of the glass were falling I'd do my best to make the best of those days. For numbers sake, this is my list of 10 end of the world bucket list. If nothing else, it's fun to think about and help you realize what's important to you, ya feel me?

1) Quit my job - If you've been following I actually did this last week and I'm moving to Crystal Mountain, WA this weekend...which brings me to my next...

2) Head to the Mountains and RIDE - I can honestly say that snurfing powder on my board is the greatest feeling I've ever felt. As fresh as the pow, that feeling would need to be fresh in my mind.

3) Joga Bonito - My first and enduring love would have to be played out in its final act. A full match of my 21 closest ballers. My fellow huskies, my fellow patriots, JPSC Fire crew, fens pick-up're all invited! Tikki Takki, let's keep it beautiful.
4) Get pitted - I would channel my inner Bodhi (R.I.P.) and go to La Push. And I would stay out in the chilly Pacific until I caught a wave. It's something I've always yearned to do one day...this would be the day.
"All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz and I'm fine." - Jeff Spicoli. I have a feeling the dude's right...

5) Bungeeeeeeeeeee - Skydiving the summer after I turned 18 was a liberating experience. Free-falling for minutes from an airplane thousands upon thousands of feet in the air was an amazing feeling. It is a true leap of faith, though, and that is why I gravitated towards doing it. I trusted my life, my one and only, in the hands of a complete stranger. I had faith in my fellow human and being able to let go on that level was extremely liberating. That's what was extreme about it. With 10 days left, I think a bungee jump would be in order to implore similar feelings. 1-2-3 Jump!

6) PaRRty - We'd have to get weird one last time. Big paRRty...yes with two Rs..Jared Allen style. You're all invited!

7) Give, give and give - I try to do this pretty regularly, but with limited time the effort would be put forth that much more. There are so many out there less fortunate than ourselves. No matter how bad your situation may be, there will always be another's who's worse. Seattle has a large homeless contigent and I'd make a point to get out there and make sure some of them were fed well before
$h!7 hit the fan. Spread it.

8) No holding back - Being blunt and open eludes many of us at times, myself included. Why though? If you feel something, say something. There have been too many situations where I've found myself withholding things I've wanted to say or do for the sake of...well I don't even know. Fear? Nerves? With 10 days left I would let it all out.  It may come out as verbal diarrhea and stink for a bit, but that smell will soon subside and everything will be all good. It all comes out in the wash, right? Stay true.

9) Say 'I love you' - I would tell anyone and everyone I loved that I did. Love is a beautiful thing that is inexplicable via words but it's expressed in so many ways. I would be blunt and transparent with this one and let my loved one's know that I love them - they have and always will mean more to me than I could ever let them know.

10) They reminisce, they reminisce - Me, my dudes, some 40s and a stoop. As our surroundings were crumbling before us that is where I'd want to be - sittin' and sippin.' That's what it is all about...these experiences, this life...doing it up with my brajs. 

(Side note, I am convinced there was some dude who got stuck with the shizzy job of carving and painting out this calendar into a tablet. This dude was no superhuman and he got tired...hung up the ol' hammer and chisel...'No one's gonna read this thing anyway right?'

Happy Wednesday brothers and sisters. Think about the most important things in your life. Think about what you've always wanted to do. Think, think, think. Then...


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oh s@#$ what was I saying?

Friend of mine posted this video and it's too funny not to share. I also found it fitting given this historical day in Washington.

'I'm really f&*^ing frosty right now...'


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Day 2, 3, 4 Shred 12/1-12/3

"There are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely - or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrosy demands" - Oscar Wilde

Two weeks ago after a Friday at work I snapped. My boss was untrusting, I was sitting at a desk for much of the day, and quickly learning that larger Rehabiliation companies were too money driven. The Medicare system in place lends itself to making decisions that hover that line of morality. I did not like the direction my superiors were pressing to be taken. My only motivation to stay involved in the Health Care world at this point was for my ambitions to go back to Physical Therapy School next year. All my applications were stamped, sealed and delivered, though, so I was more than ready to get out. At this point I was continually self-evaluating and beating myself up for not doing some of the things I have been yearning to do. So on that day I reached my threshold, the one we are all familiar with, and I made a call. A friend's mom had worked at Crystal Mountain, so I asked him to see if she could help me out in any way. It has been a dream of mine for some time to be working in the Mountains for a winter and this was the time to give it a full-pledged try. She gave me her friend Alec's contact information and told me to call him ASAP. I called just in time as Alec informed me that Instructor Training College (ITC) was one week away. We had never met before, but Alec knew me as the commentator for the soccer games the fall before and found me to be pretty entertaining (Nice to hear I'm not just humoring myself all the time...) Good first impression, ha! He then gave me the names and contacts I needed to get in touch with. After much pestering on my part, I finally got an e-mail I never would have thought I'd receive.

"Hello ITC Snowboard Candidates, We are really excited to meet all of you this weekend.  Training to become a Snowboard Instructor at Crystal Mountain Snowsports School starts...


"Unfortunately, our Snowboard sign ups are lower than average.  As a result we will not be able to hire all of you.  We are going to make a selection who will carry on with the rest of the training on Saturday afternoon after the riding portion of the day..."

12/1/12 YES! The excitement was laced with anxiety as the pressure was on. I needed to shred and just be as transparent as I could. Driving into the lot, snow was falling and I went into the day thinking 'Hey, no matter what I get to ride for free today and that's SWEET!' I eventually found out they were to take only 8-10 of us 25 to work. We all rode, shared good stories, and quickly bonded as a group. Even though we were all 'interviewing' for these jobs we all were like minded - we were there to rip over the snow. That common ground was more than enough for us all to get along and have an awesome day out on the hill. After a day of  good shredding, laughs and warm-hearted brajing out I sipped a well-deserved beer with a new friend Nick. We guzzled down some of Yakima Valley's finest, then went to the Yurt to see the list posted for those who would be instructors of Snurfin' 101. Scan...Scan...Scan...NICK LANGELOTTI...the creases of my mouth reached their respective lobes and I was CHEEZing hard. Nick made it too! Needless to say we were both stoked!!! We went to meet our instructors afterward and figure out the details for tomorrow. It was then that I got some of the best news of my life...

'Hey dude, so the reason we asked you what you do for work is we were wondering if you'd be interested in full time?'
'Heck yea dude! I came here looking to put myself in a position to make a decision like that.."
"'re hired! We can get you all set up in the dorms on the mountain here and make it happen"

I couldn't believe it. This is was literally a dream sneaking its way into my reality. I called my friends and had to let them know. They knew what it meant and any experience shared is that much better. Stoke was high! It was dark now, but I was still glowing as I walked to my lodging for the weekend - Hotel de Subby (back of my Subaru). Sure enough there was some paRRtyin' going on in the parking lot and next thing I know I was a part of it. My instructor Curtis was there and tossed me a beer and opened the circle right up. The nights progression then went as such..
Parking lot sesh --> chili dogs, beer, whiskey passings (to celebrate my coming on full-time), shhhmokkaaa de boooollll (Washington...the everGREEN state), shenanigans, non-stop laughing, magic mike, channing tattum, Cheeeezzzzz bar, andddd TUT on the floor. With all this, we still managed a good nights sleep!

12/2/12 Next day -- it was basically a continuation of yesterday but with smaller group. Freezing levels had dropped below the base and it was snowing again pulling into the lot. Welp, I knew this morning I was going to get my bowl of white wheaties for sure! For the first few hours we all just rode hard. There was some training to be done so we went over the basic progressions for teaching others. I am psyched to take the basic template and make it my own and hopefully spark the passion in some other young'ns!
The day eventually came to a close and it was another great one. Before leaving Curtis and Justin tried to convince me to stay...
"Dude, you ridin' tomorrow, you can just crash here again? We're gonna get shit donnnnneeee"
I thought it over very briefly...'HECK YEA'
I needed to get back to Seattle though to get a jump start on the quick transition that was going to happen in the next couple weeks. I sent a teaser text to my boss saying I wasn't feeling well and that tomorrow wasn't looking to good. Feeling bad, though, I still got on my computer and made sure staffing and scheduling was OK and the clinic would run smoothly the next day. Then I called my friend because I knew she had off on Mondays and would be up for a midweek day on her planks. As expected she was all for it and we were sent to leave early in the AM for what was to be an EPIC day.

Andddddd it was snowing again entering the parking lot. The snow levels looked like they had dropped even lower as the trees heading up the access road were peppered with white goodness lower down then the day before! We got on the 10th-ish chair and the mountain was pretty empty. Today was  gonna be a good day. We took our first lap in the steep trees right under the lift and it was nothing short of liberating. This is why I called in 'sick!' I never thought Sunday River's corny line 'when a sick day becomes a SICK day' would happen but it had! Every slashing turn I found myself temporarily blinded by a wave of white and powerfully floating through each one was the most sublime feeling I can imagine. Welcome to the white room! Many, many, many, many pow pounds followed on the lift ride up...I couldn't get over it. This was it...

Curtis and Justin finally gave me a buzz at 10, even though they had assured me they'd be up and get first chair. 'Dude, you thought Saturday night was rough...we went a little too hard last us at the bottom of Chinook! ready to get shit done?"
It had to start now...bottoms up!
They took us on some gnarly terrain - steeps, drops, cliffs, chutes, spines...
'Justin, that's the gnarliest line I'd ever ridden...damn that felt good!'
'Haha sweet man! You just wait...I'm gonna make you piss yourself...just remember if nothing else just point it down hill and hold on for a're all good!"
This was the day.
One of the last laps was as memorable as the others and it was well deserved. Off-loading from chair 6, it took us 30-45 min of traversing and bootpacking to get to the Southback backcountry. It was worth it. Coming in and dropping off the cornice the landing was soft as ever and I was surfing. Charging down the mountain with big wide open turns I felt free. Then we popped into the trees a bit..some were avoided...others ravaged in my path of destruction. AHHHH!!! The lap came to a close and we headed up one last time (making sure not to call it). We gave each other a look and used our respective telepathy to communicate that this would be the last one. I was spent. She was too.

And that was that. The period at the end of the day...actually the exclamation point because was that kinda day!


Reflecting on the past weekend, I am so excited for the future. I realize I am still going to have to work. Being an instructor isn't going to be easy or glorified babysitting...but anything you want to do is worth putting in the time for. So here I go...into a new bit of unknown...a new challenge...and I cannot wait to CHARGE through it. Let's get shit done. YEAH!